
Physical memory dump failed with status 0xc00009c
Physical memory dump failed with status 0xc00009c

For details on these procedures, see the owner’s manual for your computer.Ĭheck that all the adapter cards in the computer are properly seated. Resolving a failing RAM problem: Run the hardware diagnostics supplied by the system manufacturer, especially the memory scanner. Resolving a defective hardware problem: If the I/O status is C0000185 and the paging file is on an SCSI disk, the disk cabling and SCSI termination should be checked for problems. Always use the version of Chkdsk that matches your Windows version. Warning If your system partition is formatted with the FAT file system, the long filenames used by Windows can be damaged if Scandisk or another MS-DOS-based hard disk tool is used to verify the integrity of your hard disk from MS-DOS. If you cannot start the system due to the error, use the Recovery Console and run Chkdsk /r. You must restart the system before the disk scan begins. Run Chkdsk /f /r on the system partition. If Autochk does not scan the hard disk for errors, you can manually launch the disk scanner. If you can restart the system after the error, Autochk runs automatically and attempts to map the bad sector to prevent it’s further use. Resolving a bad block problem: An I/O status code of 0xC000009C or 0xC000016A normally indicates that the data could not be read from the disk due to a bad block (sector). Take your pick as it could be any of them. * 0xC0000185, or STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR, is caused by improper termination or defective cabling on SCSI devices, or two devices attempting to use the same IRQ. * 0xC000016A, or STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED, is also caused by bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk. * 0xC000009D, or STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, indicates defective or loose cabling, termination, or the controller not seeing the hard disk. * 0xC000009C, or STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR, is typically due to bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk. * 0xC000009A, or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, is caused by lack of nonpaged pool resources. No response even after over 48 hours since my last post. The last program added is 'Hard Drive Inspector' on 22July07, that is after the blue screen error. I use it to fetch my free Hotmail inbox to Outlook Express. The program added before this, was on 04July07 and it is 'FreePOPs'. OK, the dump file is dated 13July07, 01:09PM. Quote from: patio on June 24, 2007, 07:51:08 AM -Installed any new programs lately ?

Physical memory dump failed with status 0xc00009c